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Free CAD/CAM Software Download | Mastercam.WhatsNew-Mastercam – Free Download PDF

MastercamLearning Edition. Mastercam Learning Edition is free CAD/CAM software download for demo and educational purposes. It is a trial version of Mastercam that can be used to learn at home. Whether you are an industry professional, student, or teacher, if you are looking for a way to get more familiar with CAD/CAM software, Learning Edition. Program with Mastercam full license. Description: Mastercam provides CAD / CAM-tools for all kinds of programming – from simple to very complex. The system has everything you need for your production – milling from two to five axes, turning, turning and milling, wire electro erosion, woodworking, artistic modeling and complex 3D engraving. Mastercam Design allows . Stock Setup tab – Mill/Router Mastercam. Mastercam Help Leave a comment 1, Views. Click the Stock Setup icon for any machine group in the Toolpath Manager. Stock Setup tab – Mill/Router/Wire. (Machine Group Properties dialog box) Use stock models to help you visualize your toolpaths more realistically. The stock model that you create here can be displayed with .
Mastercam 2018 stock setup free. WhatsNew-Mastercam 2018
It has a more relaxed environment than other CAM programs. Shops have the ability to model their own designs but can also order models that are needed to be adjusted or prepared for machining. Seam Control allows you to visually rotate a seam and see how it will react to geometry.
It also snaps to AutoCursor positions. The Hole Axis makes it easy to work with large numbers of holes, particularly holes that have matching diameters. It makes it easier to switch between the axis and mincing. This extended environment allows for more flexibility in changing the object of the job or upgrading the toolpaths.
Although the results can be visually verified, they cannot be exported to control CNC machines. New turning strategies to automate toolpath generation, and support for Sandvik Coromant Prime inserts and the PrimeTurning method.
Start Your 3D Printing Journey. Experimentation and education are the keys to launching an additive manufacturing project. Keep solid feature color Mastercam now retains a solid’s face and feature colors even after you have removed its history. Solid face masking You can now use the standard color masking tools found in the Quick Mask color selection to select solid faces when creating a surface from a solid. Transform Enhancements Listed below are enhancements made to the Transform functions.
Control start position Rotate and Mirror now include a new option, Translate, which maintains the same start position of a closed circle when rotated or mirrored.
If deselected, the start position of the circle moves as it did in previous Mastercam releases. Select Metric or English in the Uniform group to scale your geometry.
Wireframe Enhancements Listed below are enhancements made to Wireframe functions. These new features will help in the creation of more accurate containment boundaries. Ignore shared edges off Ignored shared edges on Only outside loops Curve All Edges now allows you to create curves from only exterior edges of a solid and ignores the inner edges when you select Only outside loops.
It is only active when solid faces are selected. Previously, these functions only supported creating geometry in 3D mode. By supporting 2D geometry creation, geometry created from the selected edge can be projected to the current Cplane and Z depth, instead of requiring you to use another function, such as Project. Create Letters is now in a function panel, allowing you to work simultaneously within the graphics window.
This also means that the letters are now live entities, so when you choose a new font, reposition, or edit the text it now shows the results in the graphics window. Use Edit Spline to refine and prepare splines.
You can move, rotate, or lengthen the tangent vector or move the control point. For more control and a finer adjustment of the curve, you can add or remove node points, or increase the number of control points.
Helix and Spiral Helix and Spiral function panels now include locks for specific fields. The fields you can lock are Revolutions, Height, Pitch for helix creation, and Initial Vertical Pitch for spiral creation. Locking a field does not prevent you from changing that value, it simply establishes which field is constant and which two are calculated.
Select this option to create a line by selecting two points. The first point selected will be the midpoint and the second point will define one end while the other end of the line is a mirror in the opposite distance and angle. Modify at Intersection allows you to trim, break, or create points with lines, arcs, and splines where they intersect with surfaces, solid bodies, solid faces, and solid sheet bodies.
This is particularly useful when modeling or prepping for Multiaxis toolpaths. Select Modify at Intersection, and then use any selection method to select the wireframe geometry that you want to edit. After selecting the wireframe, select an intersecting surface, face, or solid body to display the function panel. When trimming geometry, Mastercam keeps the wireframe on the Normal side of the surface or solid by default.
To change this, click Reselect. Improved Inch and Metric Support Mastercam now supports mixing inch and metric tools and holders when building tool assemblies in Mill. You can use metric tools in inch part files and inch tools in metric part files. This includes proper tool compensation and scaling in Backplot and Verify.
Note: This does not support scaling operation parameters when changing system units. This launches another dialog box to allow you to select the tools you wish to import. The cloud icon in the second column indicates that the associated tool assembly has not been validated.
If the tool assembly passes Mastercam’s validation tests, you will see a green checkmark indicating that it can now be saved. If Mastercam detects problems with the tool, an icon will display indicating the severity of the problem. A red X indicates that there is a critical issue that must be resolved first.
A yellow exclamation mark indicates a non-critical warning. Use the hyperlink in the description field to review or edit the tool in question. The importer does not connect to a server process; instead, you import ZIP files containing your tool assemblies using the Open button. Similar to importing with CoroPlus see “Importing with CoroPlus” on page 80 , all assemblies must be validated before they can be used in Mastercam.
This includes improvements to the 2D, 3D, and Multiaxis suite of toolpaths. General Enhancements Listed below are enhancements that apply to Mill toolpaths in general, not just 2D or 3D toolpaths. Drill point sorting Sort by name has been added to the Drill Point Manager right-click menu. This allows you to reset the sort order to the original selection order or in the order you have named the drill points. When the cutter moves through outside arcs, the perimeter of the cutter is moving through the material slower than the center of the tool, which results in a decreased chipload on the tool.
Contour The following enhancements apply to the standard 2D Contour toolpath. Chamfer tool offset In previous versions, you could only modify the Tip offset when chamfer milling, allowing you to control how far past the bottom chamfer rail the tip of the chamfer tool extends.
Top offset places the full diameter of the chamfer tool at a specified distance above the top rail of the chamfer. Bottom offset amount ensures the tip of the tool clears the bottom of the chamfer. Width has also been renamed to Chamfer width.
You can also now enter 0. This allows you to chain the top or bottom rail of an existing chamfer and place the chamfer where you desire using the top or bottom offset value. Multi pass order In Mastercam , multi passes were only ordered By contour, meaning it completed one chain before moving on to the next.
In , you can now choose By contour or By pass on the Multi Passes page. By pass orders the multi passes by pass number. It will run the first multi pass on all contours, then the second multi pass on all contours, and so on. Rough pass cut direction You can now control the cut direction of rough passes on the Multi Passes page.
Select either One way or Zigzag. One way causes the rough multi 87 What’s New in Mastercam — Mill Enhancements passes to behave as they did in past versions. Zigzag will alternate the cut direction between climb and conventional. Both options respect the Keep tool down option. These options allow you to order your cuts from top to bottom or from bottom to top. By contour and By region machine each machining region to completion before moving to the next.
In previous versions, you could only machine finish passes at all depths or at the final depth. Now you can add or remove finish cuts, based on the number of rough depth cuts specified on the Depth Cuts page.
Parallel To Surface toolpath. Parallel To Curves toolpath. Transform Rotate toolpaths to machine the entire impeller.
Retract tool along tool axis. This tutorial takes approximately twenty minutes to complete. To apply these toolpaths to a 5 Axis machine tool, a customized post processor for your machine is required. There are no default 5 Axis post processors included with Mastercam due to the variation in multi-axis machine configurations.
Contact your Mastercam reseller to request post processor services such as multi-axis post development. Your post processor may require certain additional programming information not covered in this tutorial. For instance: You may be required to position your stock in machine space rather than at Mastercam’s origin.
You may be required to use the Misc Values. Your post may also prompt you for tool gage lengths. The nature of the additional information required largely depends on your machine’s configuration. While Mastercam may run on other Windows editions such as Home Edition or virtual environments such as Parallels for Mac , it has not been tested on these configurations and is therefore not supported.
Mastercam was the last release to officially support Windows 7 as Microsoft ended extended support for the OS in January Mastercam will install on Windows 7 systems but will not be supported. Future versions of Mastercam will not install on Windows 7. The processor speed will impact how fast the software will calculate and complete tasks.
With each release, more and more aspects of Mastercam are becoming multi-core processor aware. Toolpath calculation and Simulation will generally run faster with a multi-core processor. When Mastercam uses all available RAM, it switches to using virtual memory space, which is stored on the hard drive and will dramatically slow the system down. We recommend a minimum of 8 GB of memory.
When purchasing a new computer for Mastercam, one of the most important component is the video card. Other graphics cards can be used, but they must offer full OpenGL 3. OpenCL is required for Mastercam to be able to hand off certain computation tasks to the graphics card to increase system performance. We do not recommend or support the use of onboard graphics found with some PC configurations. Our toolpaths are elegant and remarkably efficient.
We help connect the largest CAM community worldwide, and our success is a direct result of listening and responding to industry needs for productivity solutions from job set up to job completion. Our dedication to the manufacturing community drives Mastercam innovation. We collaborate with leading tooling, software, and machine tool manufacturers to develop new technologies. Opportunities to drive down costs and increase profits can be found across the entire shop.
Mastercam 2018 stock setup free.
It is a trial version of Mastercam that can be used to learn at home. Mastercam Learning Edition can be used to create geometry and then program the geometry using Mastercam toolpaths. The results can be verified visually, but they cannot be exported to control a CNC machine tool. Take advantage of innovative profile tools and processes aimed at greater efficiency and higher machining productivity. Extend tool life with proprietary toolpath strategies that maximize material removal rate and reduce cycle times.
Reduce costs and cut programming time with advanced toolpaths like Deburr and Equal Scallop. Build your expertise using the CAM software that more schools teach—and more professionals use—than any other. See the table below for minimum and recommended system configurations for Mastercam. These recommendations are based on systems we have in use at CNC Software for testing and evaluation purposes. Our recommendation is to get as much power processor, video card, and memory for your systems as you can afford.
Connection to Internet and email is recommended for installation, support, and updates. CNC Software continues to review the operating system OS requirements for Mastercam with a goal of providing the best possible user experience for our customers. We recommend using Windows 10 version 20H2 or later or later bit Professional editions. While Mastercam may run on other Windows editions such as Home Edition or virtual environments such as Parallels for Mac , it has not been tested on these configurations and is therefore not supported.
Mastercam was the last release to officially support Windows 7 as Microsoft ended extended support for the OS in January Mastercam will install on Windows 7 systems but will not be supported. Future versions of Mastercam will not install on Windows 7. The processor speed will impact how fast the software will calculate and complete tasks. With each release, more and more aspects of Mastercam are becoming multi-core processor aware. Toolpath calculation and Simulation will generally run faster with a multi-core processor.
When Mastercam uses all available RAM, it switches to using virtual memory space, which is stored on the hard drive and will dramatically slow the system down. We recommend a minimum of 8 GB of memory. When purchasing a new computer for Mastercam, one of the most important component is the video card. Other graphics cards can be used, but they must offer full OpenGL 3.
OpenCL is required for Mastercam to be able to hand off certain computation tasks to the graphics card to increase system performance. We do not recommend or support the use of onboard graphics found with some PC configurations. These do not generally have the capability to drive graphics intensive applications such as Mastercam and can lead to system instability.
Make sure you are using up-to-date drivers from your card manufacturer. We often see issues that are resolved with updated video drivers. The driver version can have a great impact on how the card performs. We recommend using the automatic detect feature to detect which video card is installed. More information on configuring the graphics card can be found at this Mastercam knowledge base article. Most of our internal systems utilize dual monitors and we find this to be a more productive setup.
Mastercam displays on the primary monitor while applications such as Mastercam Simulator, Code Expert, or Tool Manager display on the secondary monitor. Mastercam will run on lower resolution screens but beware of potential sizing issues with larger dialog boxes and panels which may be awkward to work with. Lower resolution monitors may work fine as a second monitor in a dual screen setup.
Mastercam will run on large format displays, including 4K monitors and high-DPI devices however, we do experience some display issues with these configurations. We have found that one of the best computer upgrades is to invest in a NVMe drive. These drives are now priced at a point which makes them a good investment. Many of our test systems employ a smaller primary NVMe drive for the OS and installed applications with a second large capacity conventional drive for data.
A 3D mouse improves the way you interact with your 3D application. It is designed to be used by your non-dominant hand in tandem with a standard mouse for a balanced and cooperative work style. Additional technical and purchase information can be found on the 3Dconnexion website. Most computers today have some kind of anti-virus software to protect from unwanted malware.
In some cases, these have been found to interfere with applications such as Mastercam which are running on the computer. CNC Software does not recommend specific anti-virus products, but if you see unexpected issues, it may be a conflict with anti-virus software.
Try temporarily disabling the anti-virus software or setting an exception for Mastercam. Our global community of Mastercam users, experts, educators, and enthusiasts helps you get the most from your investment.
Skip to content. Stay up to date with the latest version of Mastercam. Full 3D CAD modeling. Context-sensitive help available from all dialog boxes. Robust 2D through Multiaxis cutting strategies. Explore Mastercam products including Mill , Lathe , and Router. Intelligent, stock-aware toolpaths. Complete tool library and custom tool support. Get your free copy of Mastercam Learning Edition today! Request a Free Mastercam Download.
Dynamic Motion Extend tool life with proprietary toolpath strategies that maximize material removal rate and reduce cycle times. Advanced Toolpaths Reduce costs and cut programming time with advanced toolpaths like Deburr and Equal Scallop. Valuable Experience Build your expertise using the CAM software that more schools teach—and more professionals use—than any other.
Port Expert. Blade Expert. Please contact a local Mastercam Reseller for additional information and expert advice about products and services to meet your exact needs.
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