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Acdsee ultimate 10 patch free.Olympus PEN E-P5 Review


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Go to Top. Now year later E-M1 is receiving a fv4. In any case there seem to be still 2 shutter movements. One before and one after the exposure. Side remark: Despite of extensive testing I have never been able to find clear evidence of shutter induced blur with FW 1. And I don’t see a clear improvement in this respect with FW 1.

Any Ideas or observations? Thanks, Paul. Sensor is then reset via electronic first curtain and the exposure ends in a regular way with mechanical 2nd curtain. I assume that 25ms difference is hard to observe by hearing.

Thanks, Alien, for shedding light on the issue. I wonder, why Oly does not take the opportunity to communicate more clearly about it. Much of the confusion is unnecessary. Thank you also for the reference. Very interesting findings indeed! Good God Based on the positive assessment of dpreview I updated my E-P5 from firmware 1. An update to the actual value can only be forced by a user interaction like pressing a button on the camera, a user interaction on the lens if that forces a display update like changing the focal length or bringing up the magnified view when changing the focus or if the “live histogram” display is active.

BTW: I like the new wifi remote control much more than the first implementation and ironically the metering update works on the smartphone app – but not on the camera itself – the former one being a nice-to-have, the latter one a must-have. Yes, I have the same metering problem after the update. Hi Michael, Thank you for confirming the issue on your side. When I realized what happened with my camera I couldn’t believe Olympus has released a FW introducing such a massive bug.

So I doubted my camera probably has an individual issue Probably the issue arises due to updating directly from FW 1. Was that what you did as well? Just had a telephone conversation with Olympus Service Europe and they claim, did not hear of any issue with FW 1. Next FW update? Unknown if any. This is frustrating. It could be key to actively communicate the issue to the oly service department so that the issue gets priority.

What do you think? PN: Oly service Europe meanwhile acknowledged a a second statement, they can reproduce the bug and communicated it to japan I don’t think the problem is specific to updating directly from 1. I’m pretty sure I had 1. Well I think I did anyway, can’t say for sure. I updated 2 h ago. When I set to A mode the S value is live when I move the camera – and so on in the other modes. It counts both for the display and the VF 4, which I had mounted during the update. Did I misunderstand something?

So you are lucky! Both seem to force continuous display updates? Or is it due to the fact you are using VF 4, which I don’t have? Perhaps we can learn from your configuration and find a workaround until a bugfix is available!

It sadly won’t change the way DPR rates the pen. The ratings are just that, ratings. Ever had the increasing feeling that the ratings are strongly influenced by personal bias? It would be nice if ratings were totally objective, yes. Even when a consistent attempt is made for objectivity, small mistakes are made because there is a need for subtle snobbery felt as a means of asserting a high ground that is appealing to readers, the currency of credibility and an assurance to the like-minded that you haven’t lost yours.

Each statement gets equal weight regardless of merit. Now as far as the PEN goes. I had one, but it got stolen, and I am thinking about getting another It does seems that the hard points on the camera map are the DSLR and Pocket Camera, and that everything in between seems not so quite well established, like there is a period of experimentation whilst the jury is out. There are some great answers and the PEN is one of them.

There is a market and ALL the camera companies are running a business, so it should not be a surprise that polemics are a part of the game. It is ideal to just leave the antishock on all the time.

At higher speeds it’s not used, even if turned on. Thanks for reviewing the E-P5 again. Although I don’t agree with the results. Your gold award is not granted because of the inflation of the camera within the year. That’s fine, but if you compare the camera with the A comparison I can clearly see blurred backgrounds because of the shuttershock or other issues as well.

Even the A7r flagship is having trouble with this issue it seems Nice job, Olympus! My dream camera is one that doesn’t have this problem from the start. This problem existed on my OMD EM5 and cost me quite a number of great shots, one of the many reasons I sold the camera besides paint coming off after a few weeks, the well documented screen crack issue, etc. Nice job Olympus?

How about offering a replacement for what I see as a manufacturing defect. I suppose they could take your camera back, upgrade the firmware, and return it to you.

Problem fixed! Of course I realize your camera is only 18 months old, so you will demand a fresh one. Or you could just switch to a nice Nikon D It is still unclear to me whether the OM-D E-M10 or the Pen E-P2 and others so far not addressed with this fix will get or should have this type of fix.

DP Review’s assurances on this isssue being fixed as far as the M10 is concerned are conditioned quite rightly in their review by the phrase ‘in our testing’. And not a thing from C. Nishino on the subject or anyone else at Olympus see below. Once again this loyal and long term customer waits for a positive and constructive response. At some point, looking too hard for problems make the results irrelevant in average, real-world uses. Anti-Shock setting, so for E-M5 users this would be welcome too but I’m not sure if this will happen at some point in time.

So, Oly made a less than stellar camera. It will be interesting to see if they can actually fix this problem. Regardless, Oly’s performance and product development over the past decade, or so, has been first class. For the sake of the good will the company has developed, I hope there is a fix.

If there isn’t, I hope Oly is treated no more or less harshly than the big two. You want to know if they can fix a mechanical issue? I believe they have made a reasonable result within the firmware for this situation that appears to be a very usable fix. You can’t do that to fix for oil splatters on sensors by another camera maker.

At least Olympus replaced my display bezel with a tiny insignificant crack from a slightly over tightened screw on the E-M5. This is something that should have been caught in the testing department at Olympus. Nikon has been replacing whole cameras with dust spots on sensors without admitting there was a problem. For them it involved an unpublished design change and a quick change to a different model number to give everybody something else to think about than focus on something Nikon missed.

Mistakes and problems occur. When computers are involved, a problem is called an “issue” to mask the seriousness of the problem. The problem with problems is that, unlike issues, sometimes there is no solution, short of redesigning or replacing the product. No company is perfect, and at least with Oly a simple if rather late forthcoming firmware upgrade fixes the problem. The unfortunate thing is that this issue was found on the E-P1 five years ago. Olympus has had five years to solve this problem.

Even more embarrassing for Olympus, is that dpreview and Imaging Resouces has become the quality control department for Olympus. To be honest, shutter shock, and mirror shock have been problems with a lot of cameras, even before digital.

The tiny size of the mirrorless cameras are making the problem worse, and as you can see, companies are slowly dealing with the issue. Once shutters go away completely it will be a moot issue.

The transition phase is however, unpleasant. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but it was easy to apply the fix on the E-P5 after first doing it on the EM1. Just to point out a typo in line 4 of the final para of the updated review: ‘received’ not ‘recieved’.

Infared I don’t think you know what that means. The correct term would be “Grammar Nazi”, tho DPR are always appreciative of people pointing out mistakes in their articles. Personally, I do not think I am kind of a “Grammar Nazi”. But I think that good communication between people starts with speaking the same language. And “same” implies “correct” because bad English is not equivalent to good English. English is not my mother tongue but I always try to do my best to detect and correct my own typos Doing so is just being respectful of my readers Also, I would have thought it would be “Spelling Nazi”.

Or is it too intrusive? Can’t attest to the EP5 but on the EM1 it works perfectly. As you know “anti-shock 0sec” for E-M1 has been updated and we believe that this update can help to resolve the shutter shock issue you mentioned. However, we are planning to update the firmware for E-P5 similar to “anti-shock 0sec” as well.

Please wait for the update to be released for a while. We are sorry but we are not able to tell you when the update will be released at this point. Please check Olympus homepage from time to time for the latest information of firmware. We appreciated your kind cooperation and understanding, looking forward to see your satisfaction on our service and product.

I’m not sure if buy E-PL5 again or go to this beauty with the extra cost. I have 17mm f1. My wife will love photo story and wifi connection for her whats app groups she does not have facebook will it work straigthforeward? The m43 75mm f1. I’d use the 60mm Macro since it’s in the same ballpark as the 50mm with regards to sharpness. Does focus peaking require electronic coupling between camera and lens?? If it’s like the E-M1, I think you have to set focus peaking to a function button.

Dig in the menus and reassign one of the buttons to do just that. The camera doesn’t know when your manual focusing with legacy glass, you have to tell it through the function button. Hmmm -reminds of certain brand with purple spot issues that got high ratings somehow This cameras pretty convenient and the qualities nice. And adapters are ok to play around with cameras, but definitely not convenient for serious shooting.

Manual lenses can work fine for sports. Just ask the Sports Illustrated photographers from the ‘s. Just an amazing camera.

Mine is in for repair right now as the main dial was not changing info on every click I have no shutter shock issue that I can find, tho.

Tested in all the modes, shutter speeds with MANY lenses I believe this may be a manufacturing or a batch issue I think Olympus needs to be responsible to its loyal customers and issue a statement or fix?

BOTH of these situations are widely documented on the web C’mon Olympus I totally avoid the Panoramic auto detect mode out of paranoia from reading about this “issue”. Hi, I have noticed my E-P5 front dial is starting to only sometimes change settings, or do its job, sometimes it does nothing. I googled it and this comment of yours came up first. What country are you in, and has Olympus given you any trouble over this warranty repair?

Have you heard if it is a common problem with the dials going bad? I haven’t seen any shutter shock either. I wonder if it is more common for users who don’t use a viewfinder. DPreview editors, could you please enlighten me us how to activate the tone curve settings? I haven’t been able to get to the secret chamber Page 14 of the review Image Options explains this: However, rather than offering the OM-D’s handy in-viewfinder tone curve diagram, the P5 requires you to press the exposure compensation button, then the INFO button, then use the left and right buttons to adjust the shadow response.

Pressing INFO again changes attention to the highlight portion of the curve. But first, make sure that you have dedicated one of the camera’s buttons to exposure compensation. I am still struggeling. The camera was at Olympus for the second time.

They changed the complete CCD unit this time. But the issue is still there. Sometimes I shoot 10 to 20 pictures without any fault. Then out of the next 10 pictures 5 are completely blurred. All with the same lens and settings 17mm 1.

The camera focusses, I get the green focus frame and light in the upper right corner, confirming focus set to focus priority of course , I hear the IBIS working as usual, but the picture is not sharp. Check these pictures, the were shot in a sequence within a few minutes:. I am not sure if this is ‘shutter shock’ or another fault during taking and processing the picture.

My test at 42mm 84mm ff eq. A far more comprehensive test in the following link also revealed no such issue whatsoever:. Any news from the shuttershock issue cameras? It’s platform agnostic and has lots of features a commercial tool would have.

I wanted to use DigiCam as a free alternative to lightroom, but since it doesn’t have virtual albums Collections like Lightroom or Picasa does, I gave up somehow. You tag the files as ever you want, you can have as many you want. And then you deal with the tags. The album part is the filesystem hiercharcy, so you are always in full control of your files for backup and external management as you please.

The digiKam only adds the metadata management for your files. I want to make an Album e. Therefore, in this example, I have already 3 tags and I DON’T want to add this photo yet another tags just because of album name! I just want to have Album “Best of Summer Family” without additional tags. In Picasa and LR were this just easy to make.

I have 50, photos already tagged Picasa and currently i do it in LR and from that on, I want to have albums and then playing Slideshow on family screen. DigiCam does not allow me to do that…as far as I know. You can make a album called “best of SUmmer Family” and put it in there, and digiKam maintains the three tags to it as well. You can move that file inside digikam towhatever albumb you want.

All those others use metadata possibilities different ways to create something. And they are basically tags, with special properties so they itself know “I belong to “virtual albumb”” without calling it as a tag. For RT, it would probably be best if time is given for the rest of the dev team to pick up the pieces from the past two years. Long story short – lead developer who handled cutting releases has disappeared for extremely long periods of time without a word over the past two years, and while development continued, getting a formal release out has taken a while because the other developers gave him the benefit of the doubt.

The nightly dev builds are solid if you’re an English speaker, so the DPR team could review one of the dev builds. Those who want translations will have to wait for some more things to be figured out. Anyone using on Cinnamon DE? If it is having issues with Gnome then guessing that running on Cinnamon might be even more of a headache Probably Intel-only. You should be able to compile it yourself or wait for someone else to do it.

For example, Debian has digiKam 7. That would be x – no bit support either, though that’s unsurprising in a content-creation app. Strictly speaking not Intel-only; as far as Linux is concerned, looking at Debian package repositories as an example, there are pre-built Digikam packages for amd64, arm64, armhf, i and mipsel architectures. Edit: The above is about quite a bit older version 7. But camera connections over USB are not supported for all models. I even tried out one suucessfully under Andronix Ubuntu desktop subsystem on Android.

The downloaded version is in the form of an appimage, which is somewhat unhelpful and didn’t seem to run on first inspection. On Windows 10, Digikam crashed while trying to apply simple edits to a raw file. Can you easily send a photo from within digiKam to another program?

It is very simple to send a photo to another app from within Digikam. I guess there are a similar option with MAC. Or you can just select what app to transfer your photo too in the menu. Even better, two different option are possible- one for editing raws and one for the main editing app. TorsteinH: Are you saying that it is not possible to send a photo to the any app I choose? Probably I am just misunderstanding what you wrote.

For example, with Faststone I can send a photo any program very easily. Yes, as digiKam handles all the photos as files in the folders. If you can open a file in file manager to wanted app, you can do so with digiKam. Think of digiKam similar to the way Lightroom organizes your photos. It’s more like the library module from lightroom while RawTherapee is more like the develop module. The former is pretty rare as most programs focus mainly on the editing part.

It is so set up that it opens when you click to edit a raw file, and when you are finished you exit the preogram and it feeds the result jpeg to the jpeg editor, from where you just save and it creates a new version. It is a simple and fast workflow. I use it and love it. And hate it a little bit :- It is amazing to handle really large photo collections, with a very good tagging system. It integrates well darkroom and other raw editors and their jpeg editor is simple but very nice to use.

Hopefully this solves the issues with hugin panorama that i have with the current release. I was surprised to see how stable it is in MacOS. In Linux gnome it does not integrate well but it is better than in earlier times in that respect. Kudos to the team! Have not detected any important bug since DigiKam 6.

Some minor bugs have been fixed. I have used it for routine tagging including GPS geotagging from gpx files. Mostly for my video clips. Congratulations to the development team. The issue with hugin is related to how the sw is packaged in my distro ubuntu In Due to the different security features of the operating system and flatpak, snap, etc, they have trouble accessing the right folders where plugins live.

I will see today how the new release handles this. I transitioned to exporting to a folder the files i wanted and using the standalone hugin, which is more powerful than running just the plugin, but it takes more time. Funny as I use kdenlive and digikam more than any other piece of sw Yeah, hugin and The underlying story: Similar to how RT has fared in the pandemic, one of the hugin dependencies has had continued development but no formal releases. Ubuntu was sticking with the last formal release of the dependency, and it failed to compile at all in Just not interested in using Ubuntu more than absolutely necessary.

Use another Debian spin instead. About changing to a different debian derivative, I guess I will end up doing that one day- but I really like how Ubuntu is layed out and how it works for me, so I will first have to try if vanilla gnome on a diff.

The program is fine once you get used to the interface, but my current trouble is that I can’t seem to get MySQL up and running, then set Digikam to use that versus SQLite, which gets super cumbersome and slow under the weight of a couple hundred thousand images.

What do you dislike the most in KDE? However there is a patch you can install that brings things more into line with modern Gnome appearance so you don’t suddenly feel not quite Y2K compliant :-D. A bit OT, but Mr Bolton summarised it pretty well. In addition to the look of the GUI its use feels like Windows 98, asking for every single action to be confirmed – way too many unnecessary clicks for my taste and it starts to annoy me.

I’m not a fan of Windows any version for the same reason and KDE is even worse. No arguments please; it’s just down to personal preferences as is pretty much everything and choice is always good.

What sort of problems are you having setting it up on your “Ubuntu derivative? MariaDB, I tried it and very carefully followed the instructions.

I was never able to get it running properly. Now, I’m blaming no one but myself for that as others have it running just fine. Now I’m on MySQL and from what I can tell it’s running, but again it’s probably not the Ubuntu derivative not sure why you put that in quotes, Jan Steinman, and I have less than zero interest in “Mac OS” but my general lack of database knowledge. Meaning I don’t know how to set up the user account and password and etc.

TBH it’s bike shop season and I’ve been so busy with that, as to have not considered setting up the database for a month or two now. Fortunately, I know people who have gone to school in database design and management my spouse, among others and they enjoy setting up databases yet don’t have the first bit of interest in running a camera.

As a Linux frustrato, I’m happy to see this. Now how ’bout something for Canon shuttercounts? Unfortunately gphoto2 can only get the shuttercount in older Canon cameras, up to 5Dmk3 or so, but not in 5Dmk4 or newer. If anyone knows of a solution for newer ones in Linux, please let us know! Seems like a natural upgrade path from the JPEGs we’re already used to.

I know it isn’t really that simple, however. I would like to. Even browsers need beta builds just to display some JXL. I hoped for faster adoption of this format. Ah, good timing! I just started learning digikam a few days ago, I’ll have to update it today. Sigma’s been on a roll with their mirrorless Art series lenses.

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